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The Pine Bluff School District VIPS program is designed to assist students and teachers in our district. The mission is to enhance the learning experience of students by relieving the classroom teacher of non-teaching responsibilities so they might focus on academic activities in the classroom.   The program offers a variety of services ranging from creating learning aids to securing volunteers to help support learning in the classroom.

HISTORY OF VIPS in Pine Bluff School District

The PBSD VIPS program was organized and presented to the school board to operate in the district in Spring 1973.  The organization began operating that fall and has been in operation in the Pine Bluff School District for over 50 years. The program is designed to furnish volunteers to help teachers with non-instructional activities in the classroom and allow teachers to concentrate on teaching.   


The VIPS program focuses on supporting our students and teachers by creating teaching aids, posters, banners, and computer generated projects.  VIPS provides laminating,  book binding, Ellison cutting as well as other requested services.  VIPS also assists in placing mentors, resource speakers and volunteers in the classrooms.


Volunteers in Public Schools is a non-profit organization and is funded entirely through the United Way.  Pine Bluff School District employees are known for their generosity in supporting United Way through their annual pledges and understand the importance of giving back to the community as well as being recipients of the services that are offered.


Kimberley West

VIPS Coordinator

Brianna Bradley

Administrative Assistant

VIPS Volunteer Application
VIPS Board Members
VIPS photo gallery
VIPS work request
VIPS online catalog
Leader Readers VIPS
United Way Icon